Nurturing affective and continuance organizational commitment by developing cognitive and affective attitudes toward work


  • Eldefonso B. Natividad Divine Word College of Laoag
  • Yakobus Sanbiko Divine Word College of Abra
  • Damianus Abun -
  • Marie Grace A. Jaramilla University of the Northern Philippines



cognitive, affective, continuance, normative commitment, attitude.


The study aimed to examine the effect of employees' attitudes toward their work on organizational commitment. To deepen the concept of the study, literatures were reviewed. The study used descriptive assessment and correlational research design. The population of the study was all the employees of the Divine Word College of Laoag. It used research questionnaires to gather the data and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data, thus, Weighted Mean and Pearson r correlation were used. The study found that the attitude of employees toward their work and their organizational commitment were high. The Pearson r correlation results suggest that overall, there is a significant correlation between attitude toward work and organizational commitment. However, taking it separately, only affective and continuance commitment is associated with cognitive and affective toward work but not with normative commitment.

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How to Cite

Natividad, E., Sanbiko, Y., -, D. A., & Jaramilla, M. G. (2024). Nurturing affective and continuance organizational commitment by developing cognitive and affective attitudes toward work. Divine Word International Journal of Management and Humanities (DWIJMH) (ISSN: 2980-4817), 3(3).