The Effect of Work Ethics on Work Engagement as Mediated by Generational Differences.





Work ethics, , work engagement, Generational differences, baby boomers, , Gen X, Z, Millenials


The study aims to determine the effect of work ethics on work engagement as mediated by generational differences. To support the theory of the study, literature was reviewed and the study used a descriptive correlational research design. Research questionnaires were used to gather the data and the study found that work ethics and work engagement of employees across the generation are high. The correlational analysis found a significant correlation between work ethics and work engagement along with the three dimensions of work engagement. It is also found that there is no correlation between generational differences and work ethics and work engagement of employees. Therefore, the hypothesis on the correlation between work ethics and work engagement is accepted, however, the hypothesis on the correlation between generational differences and work ethics and work engagement is rejected. 

Author Biography

Damianus Abun, Divine Word College of Laoag

Faculty - Graduate School (SBA)

Research Director

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How to Cite

Abun, F. D., Fredolin P. Julian, Janette R. Lazaro, & Marlene T. Nicolas. (2023). The Effect of Work Ethics on Work Engagement as Mediated by Generational Differences.: Management. Divine Word International Journal of Management and Humanities (DWIJMH) (ISSN: 2980-4817), 2(4), 502–525.

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